Check all that are true. One reason some people prefer the MIRR to the regular IRR is that the MIRR is based on a generally more reasonable reinvestment rate assumption. Pin On Kindergarten Teachers CDS CAPF 2014. . C-IAS Accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance allows grants related to assets to be presented. CSAT-2014 prelims CAPF 2014 Consider the following statements about Constitutional Government. It is a form of limited government. To record the direction of the earthquake. B Speed of gas molecules follow Maxwells distribution and hence the speed of every molecule will be different. Analysis vs other exam. Both a and b are correct e. 65 out of 100 Submitted May 18 2014 at 638pm This attempt took 51 minutes. A Notice of an exclusion clause must be given to the plaintiff before or at the time the contract is made in order for the exemption clause to be effective. ...